Provides the View class for generating the openapi.json file on the fly based on the Pint instance and decorators
from collections import OrderedDict
from http import HTTPStatus
from itertools import chain
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Mapping,
Optional, Tuple, Union)
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator
from quart.routing import Map as RouteMap
from werkzeug.routing import _rule_re as ROUTE_VAR_RE
from .marshmallow import MARSHMALLOW, schema_to_json
from .resource import Resource, get_expect_args
from .typing import HeaderType, ValidatorTypes, Schema
from .utils import extract_path, merge, not_none, parse_docstring
int: 'integer',
float: 'number',
str: 'string',
bool: 'boolean',
None: 'void'
'int': 'integer',
'float': 'number',
'string': 'string',
'default': 'string'
def _clean_header(header: HeaderType) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert headers to dict representation
:param header: Either a header description, a type, a validator, or a dict of keys for the
header param object
:return: The dict of properties for the given header param normalized to the openapi 3.0 spec
if isinstance(header, str):
header = {'description': header}
typedef = header.get('type', 'string')
if typedef in PY_TYPES:
header['type'] = PY_TYPES[typedef]
elif isinstance(typedef, (list, tuple)) and len(typedef) == 1 and typedef[0] in PY_TYPES:
header['type'] = 'array'
header['items'] = {'type': PY_TYPES[typedef[0]]}
elif hasattr(typedef, '__schema__'):
header['type'] = typedef
return not_none(header)
def _parse_rule(rule: str) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]:
"""Generator for the converters for the path parameters
:param rule: a route string
:return: each iteration yields the next tuple of (converter name, variable name)
for match in ROUTE_VAR_RE.finditer(rule):
named_groups = match.groupdict()
yield (named_groups['converter'], named_groups['variable'])
def _extract_path_params(path: str) -> OrderedDict:
"""Generate the path params from the route
:param path: The route string
:return: An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` of param names to definitions
params = OrderedDict()
for converter, variable in _parse_rule(path):
if not converter:
param = {
'name': variable,
'in': 'path',
'required': True,
'schema': {}
if converter in PATH_TYPES:
param['schema']['type'] = PATH_TYPES[converter]
elif converter == 'uuid':
param['schema']['type'] = 'string'
param['schema']['format'] = 'uuid'
elif converter in RouteMap.default_converters:
param['schema']['type'] = 'string'
raise ValueError('Unsupported type converter: %s' % converter)
params[variable] = param
return params
class Swagger():
"""Class for generating a openapi.json from the resources and information defined with
[docs] def __init__(self, api: 'Pint') -> None:
"""Construct a Swagger object for generating the openapi Json
:param api: the main app interface for getting the base model and resources
self.api = api
self._components = OrderedDict([('schemas', OrderedDict()),
('responses', OrderedDict()),
('parameters', OrderedDict()),
('examples', OrderedDict()),
('requestBodies', OrderedDict()),
('headers', OrderedDict()),
('securitySchemes', OrderedDict())])
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dict which can be used with the :mod:`json` module to return valid json"""
infos = {
'title': self.api.title or 'OpenApi Rest Documentation',
'version': self.api.version or '1.0'
if self.api.description:
infos['description'] = self.api.description
if self.api.contact and (self.api.contact_email or self.api.contact_url):
infos['contact'] = not_none({
'name': self.api.contact,
'email': self.api.contact_email,
'url': self.api.contact_url
components = self.serialize_components() or None
paths = {}
for resource, path, methods in self.api.resources:
paths[extract_path(path)] = self.serialize_resource(resource, path, methods)
scheme = self.api.config.get('PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME',
'http' if not self.api.config.get('PREFER_SECURE_URLS', False) else 'https')
spec = {
'openapi': '3.0.0',
'info': infos,
'servers': [
'url': ''.join([scheme, '://', self.api.config['SERVER_NAME'] or ''])
'paths': paths,
'components': components
return not_none(spec)
[docs] def register_component(self, category: str, name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Used for populating the components_ section of the openapi docs
:param category: The category under the component section
:param name: The name of the model for reference
:param schema: the actual schema for this object
if category not in self._components:
raise ValueError('invalid category for components')
self._components[category][name] = schema
[docs] def serialize_components(self) -> Mapping[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Generate the json for the components_ section
:return: An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` of the components
if self.api.base_model is None:
return {}
base_components = self.api.base_model.resolve('#/components')[1]
for category, val in base_components.items():
for name, schema in val.items():
self.register_component(category, name, schema)
return OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in self._components.items() if v)
[docs] @staticmethod
def description_for(doc: Dict[str, Any], method: str) -> str:
"""Extract the description metadata and fallback on the whole docstring
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:param method: The HTTP Verb function for the route
:return: The description as pulled from the docstring for the description property
parts = []
if 'description' in doc:
if method in doc and 'description' in doc[method]:
if doc[method]['docstring']['details']:
return '\n'.join(parts).strip()
[docs] def parameters_for(self, doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get the list of param descriptions for output
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:return: a list of dict objects containing params as described by the openapi 3.0 spec
params = []
for name, param in doc['params'].items():
if 'ref' in param:
if isinstance(param['ref'], str) and param['ref'].startswith('#/components/'):
params.append({'$ref': param['ref']})
param['name'] = name
if 'schema' not in param:
param['schema'] = {}
if 'type' not in param['schema'] and '$ref' not in param['schema']:
param['schema']['type'] = 'string'
if 'in' not in param:
param['in'] = 'query'
return params
[docs] def operation_id_for(self, doc: Dict[str, Any], method: str) -> str:
"""Return the operation id to be used for openapi docs
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:param method: the HTTP Verb
:return: The id str
return doc[method]['id'] if 'id' in doc[method] else self.api.default_id(doc['name'], method)
[docs] def responses_for(self, doc: Dict[str, Any], method: str) -> Dict[HTTPStatus, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get the Response dictionary for a given route and HTTP verb
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:param method: the HTTP Verb to get the responses for
:return: A dict mapping status codes to object descriptions as per the `openapi response object`__ spec.
__ https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.1.md#responseObject
def process_response(resp: Union[str, Tuple]) -> Tuple[str, Any, Dict[str, Any]]:
description = ''
validator = None
kwargs = {}
if isinstance(resp, str):
description = resp
validator = None
kwargs = {}
elif len(resp) == 3:
description, validator, kwargs = resp
elif len(resp) == 2:
description, validator = resp
kwargs = {}
raise ValueError('Unsupported response specification')
return (description, validator, kwargs)
responses = {}
for obj in doc, doc[method]:
if 'responses' in obj:
for code, response in obj['responses'].items():
description, validator, kwargs = process_response(response)
description = description or DEFAULT_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION
if code in responses:
responses[code] = {'description': description}
if validator:
if 'content' not in responses[code]:
responses[code]['content'] = {}
content_type = kwargs.get('content_type') or 'application/json'
if content_type not in responses[code]['content']:
responses[code]['content'][content_type] = {}
responses[code]['content'][content_type]['schema'] = self.serialize_schema(validator)
self.process_headers(responses[code], doc, method, kwargs.get('headers'))
if not responses:
responses[HTTPStatus.OK.value] = self.process_headers(DEFAULT_RESPONSE.copy(), doc, method)
return responses
[docs] def serialize_schema(self, validator: ValidatorTypes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Given a validator normalize the schema definition
:param validator: either the name of a validator, a :class:`~jsonschema.Draft4Validator` instance,
or the actual type of the value. Passing a list or tuple will create a schema
for an array of that type
:return: The schema as defined by the openapi 3.0 spec as a dict
if isinstance(validator, (list, tuple)):
validator = validator[0]
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': self.serialize_schema(validator)
if isinstance(validator, Draft4Validator):
return validator.schema
if isinstance(validator, str):
validator = self.api.get_validator(validator)
return validator.schema
if MARSHMALLOW and isinstance(validator, Schema):
return schema_to_json(validator)
if isinstance(validator, (type, type(None))) and validator in PY_TYPES:
return {'type': PY_TYPES[validator]}
return {}
[docs] def serialize_resource(self, resource: Union[Resource, Callable], path: str,
methods: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Use the docstring and any decorated info to create the resource object
:param resource: the Resource object or view function
:param path: the route path for this resource
:param methods: The list of available HTTP verbs for this route
:return: The dict conforming to the openapi 3.0 spec for a `path item object`__
__ https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.1.md#pathItemObject
doc = self.extract_resource_doc(resource, path)
if doc is False:
return {}
path = {}
for method in [m.lower() for m in resource.methods or []]:
methods = [m.lower() for m in methods or []]
if doc[method] is False or methods and method not in methods:
path[method] = self.serialize_operation(doc, method)
return not_none(path)
[docs] def serialize_operation(self, doc: Mapping[str, Any], method: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Serialize a single operation on the resource corresponding to a single HTTP verb
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:param method: The HTTP verb for this operation
:return: The dict openapi representation to be converted to json for this operation
operation = {
'summary': doc[method]['docstring']['summary'],
'description': self.description_for(doc, method),
'tags': self.tags_for(doc[method]),
'parameters': self.parameters_for(doc[method]) or None,
'responses': self.responses_for(doc, method) or None,
'operationId': self.operation_id_for(doc, method)
body = merge(self.expected_params(doc), self.expected_params(doc[method]))
if body:
operation['requestBody'] = body
if doc.get('deprecated') or doc[method].get('deprecated'):
operation['deprecated'] = True
return not_none(operation)
[docs] def expected_params(self, doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the `Media Type object
for the expected request body.
:param doc: a mapping from HTTP verb to the properties for serialization
:return: a dict containing the content type and schemas for the requestBody
params = OrderedDict()
if 'expect' not in doc:
return params
for expect in doc.get('expect', []):
validator, content_type, kwargs = get_expect_args(expect)
if isinstance(validator, str):
validator = self.api.get_validator(validator)
elif MARSHMALLOW and isinstance(validator, Schema):
elif not isinstance(validator, Draft4Validator):
schema = self.serialize_schema(validator)
if '$ref' in schema and '/components/requestBodies/' in schema['$ref']:
return schema
params[content_type] = not_none(dict({
'schema': self.serialize_schema(validator)
}, **kwargs))
return {'content': params}