Main file that provides the definitions for the Pint class and its dependants for enhancing the quart decorators
and hooking into them in order to generate the openapi documentaion
import json
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from http import HTTPStatus
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, FormatChecker, RefResolver
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from quart import Blueprint, Quart, jsonify
from quart.views import http_method_funcs
from .marshmallow import MARSHMALLOW, MarshmallowValidationError
from .cors import crossdomain
from .resource import Resource
from .typing import ExpectedDescList, ValidatorTypes
from .utils import cached_property, camel_to_snake, merge
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('quart.serving')
def _expand_params_desc(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Used to convert `{'param': 'Description String'}` into
`{'param': { 'description': 'Description String'}}`
:param data: A dictionary containing a 'params' property
if 'params' in data:
for name, description in data['params'].items():
if isinstance(description, str):
data['params'][name] = {'description': description}
class BaseRest():
"""Base object for handling the RESTful resources for routing and generating openapi json. Used by :class:`Pint`
and :class:`PintBlueprint`
ApiInfo = namedtuple('ApiInfo', ['title', 'description', 'version'])
ContactInfo = namedtuple('ContactInfo', ['name', 'url', 'email'])
def __init__(self, *args: Any, title: Optional[str] = None, contact: Optional[str] = None,
contact_url: Optional[str] = None, contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
version: str = '1.0', description: Optional[str] = None, validate: bool = True,
base_model_schema: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any], RefResolver]] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> None:
r"""Construct the Base Rest object
:param \*args: non-keyword args for :class:`~quart.Quart`
:param title: The title for the info section
:param contact: Contact name for docs
:param contact_url: URL for Contact property of the info section
:param contact_email: Email Contact for docs
:param version: Version to put in the docs
:param description: Textual description for the openapi json
:param validate: The default validation state for routes that have an expect
:param base_model_schema: Allows defining a base jsonschema to reference models either by
file name, or by passing in the actual schema dict.
:param \*\*kwargs: keyword args other than the above will be passed to the :class:`~quart.Quart`
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._ref_resolver = None
self._validators = {}
self._validate = validate
self._resources = []
self._schema = None
self._info = BaseRest.ApiInfo(title, description, version)
# self.title = title
# self.description = description
# self.version = version
self._contact_obj = BaseRest.ContactInfo(contact, contact_url, contact_email)
if base_model_schema is not None:
if isinstance(base_model_schema, str):
with open(base_model_schema, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
schema = json.load(f)
self._ref_resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
elif isinstance(base_model_schema, dict):
self._ref_resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(base_model_schema)
elif isinstance(base_model_schema, RefResolver):
self._ref_resolver = base_model_schema
self.register_error_handler(ValidationError, self.handle_json_validation_exc) # pylint: disable=no-member
self.register_error_handler(MarshmallowValidationError, self.handle_marshmallow_json_validation_exc) # pylint: disable=no-member
def title(self) -> str:
"""Return title string from API"""
return self._info.title
def description(self) -> str:
"""Return info description string from API"""
return self._info.description
def version(self) -> str:
"""Return version string from API"""
return self._info.version
def contact(self) -> str:
"""Return contact name string from API"""
return self._contact_obj.name
def contact_url(self) -> str:
"""Return contact url from API"""
return self._contact_obj.url
def contact_email(self) -> str:
"""Return contact info email from API"""
return self._contact_obj.email
def handle_json_validation_exc(error: ValidationError) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
"""Function to handle validation errors
The constructor will register this function to handle a :exc:`~jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError`
which is thrown by the :mod:`jsonschema` validation routines.
:param error: The exception that was raised
:return: Json message with the validation error
.. seealso::
Registering error handlers with quart
LOGGER.error('request body validation failed, returning error: msg: %s, instance: %r',
error.message, error.instance)
return jsonify({
'message': 'Request Body failed validation',
'error': {
'msg': error.message,
'value': error.instance,
'schema': error.schema
}), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value
def handle_marshmallow_json_validation_exc(error: MarshmallowValidationError
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
"""Function to handle validation errors
The constructor will register this function to handle a :exc:`~marshmallow.ValidationError`
which is thrown by the :mod:`marshmallow` validation routines.
:param error: The exception that was raised
:return: Json message with the validation error
.. seealso::
Registering error handlers with quart
LOGGER.error('request body validation failed, returning error: msg: %s, instance: %r',
error.messages, error.data)
err = {
'msg': error.messages,
'value': error.data
if hasattr(error, 'schema'):
err['schema'] = error.schema
return jsonify({
'message': 'Request Body failed validation',
'error': err
def resources(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[Resource, str, Iterable[str]]]:
"""The list of resource tuples that have been added so far.
The tuple contains the object itself, the path and the list of methods it supports
return self._resources
def base_model(self) -> Optional[RefResolver]:
"""The :class:`~jsonschema.RefResolver` created by processing the file or schema that was passed to
return self._ref_resolver
def __schema__(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]:
"""The schema produced by the Swagger object using the information in this instance"""
if not self._schema:
from .swagger import Swagger # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self._schema = Swagger(self).as_dict()
return self._schema
def get_validator(self, name: str) -> Optional[Draft4Validator]:
"""Get a specific :class:`~jsonschema.Draft4Validator` instance by name
:param name: The validator name to lookup
:return: the :class:`~jsonschema.Draft4Validator` object or None
return self._validators[name] if name in self._validators else None
def _add_resource(self, resource: Union[Resource, Callable],
path: str, methods: Iterable[str], *args, endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
provide_automatic_options: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
r"""Called by :meth:`route` in order to process the resource or view function and only add it to the
list of openapi resources if it's a class, allowing paths to be left out of the openapi documentation
by declaring them as functions.
:param resource: The class or view function to add
:param path: the route path
:param methods: list of available methods (GET, POST, etc.)
:param endpoint: Endpoint alias, defaults to the function or class name
:param \*args: any additional args needed to be passed to the view instance
:param provide_automatic_options: Override automatic OPTIONS if set, to either True or False
view_func = resource
if isclass(resource):
# use the actual class name in the attr so that we don't break inheritance but still
# allow path overriding with defaults for parameter values
view_func = getattr(resource, f'_pint_{resource.__name__}_view_wrapper', False)
if not view_func:
view_func = resource.as_view(camel_to_snake(resource.__name__), *args)
setattr(resource, f'_pint_{resource.__name__}_view_wrapper', view_func)
methods = list(resource.methods)
self._resources.append((resource, path, methods))
super().add_url_rule(path, endpoint, view_func, methods=methods, # pylint: disable=no-member
provide_automatic_options=provide_automatic_options, **kwargs)
def param(self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, _in: str = 'query', **kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
r"""Decorator for describing parameters for a given resource or specific request method.
:param name: Parameter name in documention
:param description: the description property of the parameter object
:param _in: Location of the parameter: query, header, path, cookie
:param \*\*kwargs: mapping of properties to forward for the openapi docs
If put at the class level, it'll add the parameter to all method types. For path params
you should use :meth:`doc` instead which will automatically handle path params instead of
having to manually set `_in` to 'path'
See the following example:
.. code-block:: python
@app.param('Expected-Header', description='Header Parameter for all method types', _in='header')
class Simple(Resource):
@app.param('id', description='query param id just for get method', schema={'type': 'integer'})
async def get(self):
hdr_value = request.headers['Expected-Header']
id = request.args['id']
return f"{id} with {hdr_value}"
@app.param('foobar', description='foobar will show up for the post method, but not get',
_in='cookie', style='form')
async def post(self):
# the openapi documentation will contain both the Expected-Header and
# the 'foobar' cookie params in it
return "Success"
param = kwargs
param['in'] = _in
param['description'] = description
return self.doc(params={name: param})
def response(self, code: HTTPStatus, description: str, validator: ValidatorTypes = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
r"""Decorator for documenting the response from a route
:param code: The HTTP Response code for this response
:param description: The description property for this response
:param validator: pass a string to refer to a specific validator by name, a
:class:`~jsonschema.Draft4Validator` instance such as from :meth:`get_validator`,
:meth:`create_ref_validator` or :meth:`create_validator`, a jsonschema dict,
or the actual expected type of the response if a primitive
:param \*\*kwargs: All other keyword args will be forwarded as properties of the response object
Use this decorator for adding the documentation to describe a possible response from
the route, can be called multiple times with different status codes to describe different
.. code-block:: python
class Sample(Resource):
@app.response(HTTPStatus.OK, description="OK")
@app.response(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "json response failure", int, headers={'Foobar': 'foo'})
async def get(self):
return self.doc(responses={code: (description, validator, kwargs)})
def route(self, path: str, *args, methods: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> Callable:
r"""Decorator for establishing routes
:param path: the path to route on, should start with a `/`, may contain params converters
:param methods: list of HTTP verbs allowed to be routed
:param \*args: will forward extra arguments to the :meth:`base class route function <quart.Quart.route>`
Ensures we add the route's documentation to the openapi docs and merge the properties correctly,
should work identically to using the base method.
.. seealso:: Base class version :meth:`~quart.Quart.route`
if methods is None:
methods = ['GET']
def decorator(func_or_viewcls: Union[Resource, Callable]) -> Union[Resource, Callable]:
doc = kwargs.pop('doc', None)
if doc is not None:
self._handle_doc(func_or_viewcls, doc)
self._add_resource(func_or_viewcls, path, methods, *args, **kwargs)
return func_or_viewcls
return decorator
def create_ref_validator(self, name: str, category: str) -> Draft4Validator:
"""Use the :attr:`base_model` to resolve the component category and name and create a
:param name: The name of the model
:param category: The category under 'components' to look in
:return: The validator object
The resulting validator can be passed into decorators like :meth:`param` or :meth:`response`
and will be used to create the schema in the openapi json output or passed into :meth:`expect`
to use it for actually validating a request against the schema. It will be output as a '$ref'
object in the resulting openapi json output.
.. seealso:: The :meth:`expect` decorator
.. todo:: Ensure that models with the same name in different categories don't conflict
validator = Draft4Validator({'$ref': f'#/components/{category}/{name}'},
resolver=self._ref_resolver, format_checker=FormatChecker())
self._validators[name] = validator
return validator
def create_validator(self, name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Draft4Validator:
"""Create a validator from a schema
:param name: The name of this validator
:param schema: A dict which is a valid Openapi 3.0 schema
:return: the validator object
You can use references to models that are in the :attr:`base_model` as that will be used to resolve
any references such as `#/components/requestBodies/sample`.
.. todo:: Ensure that models with the same name in different categories don't conflict with each other
.. seealso:: The :meth:`expect` decorator
validator = Draft4Validator(schema, resolver=self._ref_resolver, format_checker=FormatChecker())
self._validators[name] = validator
return validator
def _handle_doc(documented: Callable, doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Internal function for merging doc specs for various HTTP verbs and handling expects"""
# adapted from flask_restplus
for http_method in http_method_funcs:
if http_method in doc:
if doc[http_method] is False:
if 'expect' in doc[http_method] and not isinstance(doc[http_method]['expect'], (list, tuple)):
doc[http_method]['expect'] = [doc[http_method]['expect']]
documented.__apidoc__ = merge(getattr(documented, '__apidoc__', {}), doc)
def doc(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
"""Generic decorator for adding docs via keys pointing to dictionaries
.. code-block:: python
@app.doc(params={'table': 'Table Description'})
class Table(Resource):
async def get(self, table):
.. code-block:: python
class Table(Resource):
@app.doc(params={'table': 'Table Desc'}, responses={HTTPStatus.OK: ('desc')})
async def get(self, table):
def wrapper(documented: Callable) -> Callable:
self._handle_doc(documented, kwargs)
return documented
return wrapper
def expect(self, *inputs: ExpectedDescList, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Callable:
r"""Define the expected request schema
:param \*inputs: one or more inputs that are either a validator or a tuple of the form
Tuple[validator, content_type, Dict of properties]. properly handles either
1, 2, or all 3 members existing.
:param \*\*kwargs: currently only recognizes 'validate' as a keyword arg which can override the
bool that was passed into :meth:`__init__` to turn validation on or off for this
particular request body
Code Example:
.. code-block:: python
request = app.create_validator('sample', {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'columns': {
'type': 'array',
'items': { 'type': 'string' }
'rows': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'oneOf': [
{'type': 'integer'},
{'type': 'number'},
{'type': 'string'}
class Sample(Resource):
async def post(self):
# if the request body isn't json and doesn't match the above schema
# we'll never even get here, it'll be rejected with a bad request status
Another Example:
.. code-block:: python
stream = app.create_validator('binary_stream', {'type': 'string', 'format': 'binary'})
string_data = app.create_validator('string', {'type': 'string'})
class Sample(Resource):
@app.expect((stream, 'application/octet-stream', {'example': '0xACDEFD'}),
('string', 'text/plain', {'examples': {
'ex1': {
'summary': 'example1',
'value': 'foobar'
async def post(self):
# if the request doesn't have a Content-Type header set to 'application/octet-stream'
# or 'text/plain' it will be rejected as a bad request.
In the above example, the examples will be in the openapi docs as per the `openapi 3.0 spec
.. todo:: figure out a good way to set the description for the requestBody itself, probably through
the `kwargs`
expect = []
params = {
'validate': kwargs.get('validate', None) or self._validate,
'expect': expect
for param in inputs:
return self.doc(**params)
def default_id(resource: str, method: str) -> str:
"""function for creating a default operation id from a resource and method
:param resource: name of the resource endpoint
:param method: the HTTP verb
:return: the id converting camel case to snake_case
return '{0}_{1}'.format(method, camel_to_snake(resource))
class Pint(BaseRest, Quart):
"""Use this instead of instantiating :class:`quart.Quart`
This takes the place of instantiating a :class:`quart.Quart` instance. It will forward
any init arguments to Quart and takes arguments to fill out the metadata for the openapi
documentation it generates that will automatically be accessible via the '/openapi.json'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, no_openapi: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
r"""Construct the Pint object, see :meth:`BaseRest.__init__` for an explanation of the args and kwargs.
:param \*args: non-keyword args passed to :class:`BaseRest`
:param no_openapi: set this to True to disable the auto creation of the /openapi.json route
in order to allow custom manipulation of the route
:param \*\*kwargs: keyword args passed to :class:`BaseRest`
If you pass `no_openapi=True` then you can customize the openapi route by creating it yourself:
.. code-block:: python
app = Pint('Custom', no_openapi=True)
# add other decorators if desired
async def openapi():
# add other logic if desired
return jsonify(app.__schema__)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False
if not no_openapi:
self.add_url_rule('/openapi.json', 'openapi',
OpenApiView.as_view('openapi', self), ['GET', 'OPTIONS'])
class PintBlueprint(BaseRest, Blueprint):
"""Use this instead of :class:`quart.Blueprint` objects to allow using Resource class objects with them"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Will forward all arguments and keyword arguments to Blueprints"""
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def register(self, app: Pint, options: dict, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None:
"""override the base :meth:`~quart.Blueprint.register` method to add the resources to the app registering
this blueprint, then call the parent register method
prefix = options.get('url_prefix', '') or self.url_prefix or ''
app.resources.extend([(res, f'{prefix}{path}', methods) for res, path, methods in self._resources])
super().register(app, options, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OpenApiView(Resource):
"""The :class:`Resource` used for the '/openapi.json' route
It also uses CORS to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to "*" for this route so that the
openapi.json can be accessible from other domains.
.. todo:: Allow customizing the origin for CORS on the openapi.json
def __init__(self, api: Pint) -> None:
"""Construct the OpenApiView
:param api: will be an instance of a :class:`Pint` object, the :attr:`~Pint.__schema__`
property will be returned for `get` requests to '/openapi.json'
self.api = api
# use CORS to allow other origins to access the openapi.json route
# this way it can also be used with swagger UI
[docs] @crossdomain(origin='*')
async def get(self):
"""Return the schema for get requests"""
return jsonify(self.api.__schema__), 200